Slack changed their logo today. Because, that’s what organisations do from time to time, they change things they believe are not serving them. For good or for ill.
I’m not going to pontificate on the merits of the new logo or lament the passing of the old one. There are plenty of people doing that already.
What I will offer is an opportunity for self-reflection.
Maybe you’ve already passionately waded into the debate, or perhaps you have the perfect pithy tweet primed to send? Just take a second to check in with why. Not as a judgement, but a matter of curiosity.
Are you a designer with a professional opinion on the new visual language?
Did you have a visceral reaction, one way or another, you just feel have to get out into the world?
Noticed something humorous?
Why tell others at all? Be honest here, this is just you checking in with yourself. Where does that motivation come from? What reaction are you hoping to provoke, and why? Is it a genuine desire to add value to your field? Are you looking for validation that you’re not alone in your view? Do you want to make others laugh?
There aren’t any right or wrong answers to be found. Just perhaps a bit more clarity and intentionality behind your sharing.
As an aside, positive or negative, Slack should be thrilled so many people are commenting on the new design.
People who don’t care say nothing.