There is a great scene in the film, Donnie Brasco. “Lefty” (Al Pacino), is explaining to Donnie (Johnny Depp), the significance of him going in front of all his mob friends and declaring that Donnie is “A friend of mine” — a “connected guy”, someone who can be trusted. And more importantly, the consequences for Lefty if Donnie were to break that trust.
Most businesses hope customers will vouch for their products, some even count on recommendations amongst friends, family and colleagues as a foundational mechanism for growth. But businesses whose products are merely ‘good enough’ are not considering the psychology of recommendations.
Just as Lefty was worried about the consequences of his vouching for Donnie, customers won’t put their social capital on the line for a product that they don’t really believe it, that they don’t truly love, that they don’t expect will delight the people they recommend it to. They won’t risk losing credibility by suggesting a product if there is a chance the recipient will dislike it, and, by inference, question their judgement and taste.
The products we recommend are a reflection on us.
If taking an honest look at your product, it’s only OK and not exceptional, and part of your growth strategy is virality. Stop whatever else you’re doing and focus on making it undeniable.