I’m really excited to bring you this conversation with Jay Hadley – one of the most skilled and experienced coaches and facilitators I know, and a man I have learned so much from over the years. In this wide-ranging conversation, we unpack the potential of leaders at the next stage of human development, we touch on the need for disruption of the status quo as a catalyst for growth and we explore NLP and Integral Theory as vehicles for that disruption and evolution.
You can find Jay at The Coaching Room
Gone Bush Adventures
Show Notes
Integral Leadership
George Gurdjieff
Integral Theory
Ken Wilber
The Infinite Game
The Daily Evolver
Stages of Development
Reinventing Organizations
Gestalt Theory Fritz Perls
A H Almaas
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
The Inner Game of Tennis
Man’s Search for Meaning
The Integral Vision
The First Forty Days